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“Good health is about being able to fully enjoy the time we do have. It is about being as functional as possible throughout our entire lives avoiding crippling, painful and lengthy battles with disease. There are many better ways to die and live.”

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meat bad

Most people know that eating too much meat isn’t good for their health. But where they make the mistake is underestimating the effects of their own meat intake on their diets.

I’m going to tell you exactly why removing meat and animal-based products completely from your diet is really going to be in YOUR best interest. Fullstop. 

There’s no point mucking around, kicking up a fuss over conflicting info cited by less comprehensive studies as an excuse for ignorance, and certainly no escaping what has been proven by extensive medical research and comprehensive nutritional studies.

Yes, I’m looking at The China Study and here’s what you need to know about the kind of devastation you put your body through on a diet revolving around meat.

Meat and its derivatives, beyond medical doubt, have dangerous consequences on your health, impacting YOUR health much more seriously than you think. Eating animal proteins at the rate many do regularly will very likely lead to painful and costly health complications you definitely don’t wanna suffer from 10, 20 years down the road.

Point No. 1

Animal proteins INITIATE and WORSEN cancer development making them WORSE than carcinogens

“What if there was a chemical that experimentally turned on cancer in 100% of the test animals and its relative absence limited cancer to 0% of the animals?”

If you’re thinking typically known cancer-causing agents like Aflatoxin, DDT or Nitrites, think again. That chemical is none other than Animal Protein aka MEAT.

A fact: carcinogens and mutagens are constantly present in our bodies and environment, however they don’t necessarily lead to DNA mutations or cancer in and of themselvesWhether cancer cells initiate instead depends on how much animal protein you consume.

The proof:
In controlled experiments, two groups of rats dosed with same levels of the liver-cancer associated Aflatoxin carcinogen and fed different levels of animal protein* proved this point. Every single rat from the 20% animal protein intake group developed cancer while every single rat in the 5% intake group did not. Scientists than experimented with a high dosage of Aflatoxin but low protein intake as well as low Aflatoxin dosage and high protein intake. Would higher Aflatoxin levels trump level of protein intake in enhancing the spread of cancer cells?

The answer is no. Rats on the low animal protein intake won out with a much slower spread of cancer cells even at high toxin dosage than the high protein group that started out with a much lower level of Aflatoxin. Conclusion? The presence of animal protein rather than the presence of the known toxins in food determines whether you end up having cancer, or whether your cancer becomes much worse.

Eating animal protein actually increases your risk for developing cancer much more than the known carcinogens themselves! But that’s not all.

The same scientists found that not only did the presence of animal protein cause and worsen the spread of liver cancer cells, reducing or eliminating animal protein prevents cancer from developing, even reversing the spread of cancer for those already afflicted with cancer symptoms!

Is cancer part of your future plans?
Now pause and honestly reflect on this for a second. Think about your health. Your ability to walk, laugh, play sports, do all the normal, daily activities you now currently enjoy and sometimes complain about. Truth is when debilitating diseases like cancer strike, even the easiest activities become exhaustingly difficult.

Are you willing to let your diet be the very thing that takes away these very same things from your life? Is it really okay to put yourself and your loved ones down that road of eminent distress, pain and suffering all for your present (and fleeting) enjoyment of eating meat-focused meals?

If your answer is no, then ask yourself this:

Given the harmful effects of animal protein on my body, can I honestly consider meat to be food at all?

Why a Healthy Diet Excludes Meat

Point No 2.

Why a Healthy Diet Excludes Meat_

If your diet contains meat, you are MOST likely dangerously overdosing on animal protein

Okay, so too much meat causes cancer. Couldn’t I just reduce my meat intake to within the safe range?

That is certainly an option (not the best) only IF you’re able to cap the amount of meat you eat daily to 10% of your calorific needs. T. Colin Campbell and team, the researchers behind The China Study determined a cap of 10% dietary protein to not lead to the enhancement of cancer.

But what does 10% animal protein per day look like? One modest serving of meat AT MOST 1 meal for 1 day. Not even close to what most omnivorous people are eating on an average day!

The problem is, most people who eat meat regularly easily consume far more than the safe allowance. If meat is a way of life for you, you’re probably eating meat at every meal or at least twice a day, way over the limit.

But here’s a more compelling reason to remove animal protein entirely from your diet:

Campbell also notes the increased risk for Western diseases (cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes) in the China Study even when animal protein intake levels were as low as 7.1g/day (equivalent to 3 McDonald nuggets)!

Now are you starting to wonder:

‘If meat was so bad for us, why the hell has meat become so common in all our meals??

Yes, I too wonder the insanity of the same.

But here’s plausible reason that won’t take you too long to put two and two together: It’s because we’re eating out more than ever in Singapore!

Outside food largely focuses on meat as the main attraction of your meal because restaurants, eateries, fast food chains, hawker centres, kopitiam *insert next popular eatery name here* all buy into and promote the belief that more value = more meat. They actually perceptively making YOU believe ‘meat = desirable = I want more meat’ by focusing on the meat options.

 Note what’s wrong with the equation? In reality, it looks much more like this: Meat = cancer = NOT desirable AT ALL!

Unless you WANT health complications from cancer yourself and for those around you, you are much better off keeping meat as far away from your daily meals as you possibly can. You are also better off steering clear of the misguided mentality that tells you that meat in your meal is normal.

In the distant past, meat-eating was a sign of wealth and a clear marker of distinction between the richer and poorer classes. WAS. But don’t get it wrong today. Meat is NOT a sign of affluence and prosperity and it is NOT a hallmark of a balanced, health-promoting and nourishing meal as we have now come to be educated. It is one of the major causes of degenerative diseases we are afflicted with in the developed world today.

Is a world where everyone around you seems to be having some sort of cancer or heart disease considered the norm? What is ‘normal’ health to you??

Normal health to me is naturally radiant acne-less skin, strong nails, having a strong immune system, mental clarity, emotional stability, a positive outlook and an abundance of energy. If that’s normal health to you too you have to lose the meat! Because it simply can’t help you achieve that level of normal health when it constantly exposes your body to harm!

If you haven’t started to think about what food accomplishes for your body..

The whole point of eating is that food nourishes the body, allow cells to carry out functions as effectively and uninhibited as possible, in turn allowing YOU to feel constantly energized, vibrant, balanced physically, mentally and feeling full of abundance. How does meat figure in that? Meat simply doesn’t! Because consuming it alone is destructive on your body!

The health complications that ensue from a meat-based diet are most certainly NOT part of your future plans.

At this point, some of you may be thinking (or procrastinating),

”It’s hard to just change my diet! How can you expect me not to eat the stuff I’ve always been eating??”

Get this:

Anything worth accomplishing is easy at the start…


Think about times when you achieved something you dreaded so much or thought was downright impossible.

You were probably still in denial at the start, kicking up a big fuss cos you were unable to see where you were going. But what happens after that when you press on? You find a way to make it work. Your brain starts tinkering and you find out all sorts of creative ways to get around your problems.

Cravings? Sure, maybe you get a few at the start. But guess what, they go away when you are giving your body absolutely everything it needs, and more and more people are finding this in the form of a wholefoods plant-based diet.

Instead of looking at the immense problem you have on your hands, look at where you could possibly be at the end. A revitalised, rejuvenated and restored person, much healthier, radiant, vibrant and energized than who you were before.

Remember, meat has no hold over you. 

YOU are in control of what you eat and what you desire to eat!

So please don’t let the obsession over meat today and the inability to face the facts about meat, be the cause of YOUR poor health, of possible cancer and heart diseases in time to come.

What you can do NOW:

To work on cutting your meat intake, try any of these really simple steps. Take active steps to minimise your animal protein intake through:

  • Choosing plant-based options when you eat out or cook at home.
  • Get educated about eating plant-based (How? Subscribe and leave a comment!)
  • Start becoming aware of the animal lives sacrificed daily for your lifestyle
  • Start becoming more intuitively aware of the kinds of effects the things you put into your mouth have on your body.

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Honor thy self, honor thy body!

Stay tuned for the awesome things a wholefoods plant-based diet does for you that a meat-based diet just can’t. Plus more updates as I go through more of The China Study if you need more info (for yourself and to convince others) why eating animal protein of any kind just ain’t smart.

Did this article motivate you in any way? What kind of issues would you like me to address next?

Leave a comment below!


All information referenced from The China Study: Startling Implications For Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term Health, “the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted”. If this post inspired you, please buy the book or borrow a copy from your nearest library.

*Casein (found in milk) was used in the rat experiments and found to be the worse in promoting cancer but all animal proteins were found to exhibit the same cancer-causing effects differing only in extent. A low protein diet is recommended, however plant proteins showed none of these harmful effects even above 10% dietary protein cap.